CMU Finance Division Information
Finance Division of University is a department supporting financial and facilities administration on the basic of good management, participation and service.
Developing modern job to suit the status of public autonomous university
Developing participatory administration system following the good governance principle in order to increase the abilities of officers and staff
Providing a good service efficiently and helping related departments
Chiang Mai University has appointed Financial Division as government office under the office of the president regarding the announcement of Prime Minister’s office entitled governmental department distribution in Chiang Mai university dated on 8 November 1986 Finance Division under office of the president, Chiang Mai University is responsible for University’s Finance Administration including budget, university’s income and appointed special budget. In addition, Finance Division is responsible for screening, investigation, offering opinion, giving advices and consulting about financial, budget, income etc.’s regulation and facilities and vehicle to the heads and governmental sections under Chiang Mai University. This is for financial administration to respond to effective working policy. Therefore, Chiang Mai University has decided all approved by law fields regarding Ministry of University Affairs’ letter TorMor 0202/2498 dated 30 January 1989. Governmental section in financial division, office of president has finally decided to divide into 6 working fields as follows
Organization Information
Director, Finance Division

Mrs Chutarat Duangrit
Dury: Manage overall division staffs and responsibilities